Montessori teachers are models of peacemaking and compromises. We teach our children to choose their words carefully, keeping in mind the feelings of others. We actively promote and encourage peace in our Montessori classrooms by having a peace corner or peace rose as a symbol of working together to work out problems. We make sure our language is positive and inclusive of all children. We encourage active listening by utilizing the “one voice at a time” rule and incorporating a talking stick/stone during class meetings or peace negotiations. As such, it is important to not only model this with our students but with parents, fellow faculty and staff members.
Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week at my school. It came at an awkward time as there were a few parents who were upset about the proposed calendar for next year. Some parents and teachers had hurt feelings, and there was even talk among faculty about boycotting the Teacher Appreciation luncheon. All in all, the peaceful feeling of a Montessori community was suspended.